
Flipkart Wholesale Membership

New Membership Registration

For any concerns, kindly contact the support team.
Please select store

Please note that Flipkart Wholesale is currently available in the following cities, and services a limited area in and around these cities


keep photo or scanned copy of below documents ready with you. You will be requested to upload the documents during the application.

Please ensure that the photograph or scanned copy is in JPG or PDF format only, and is clear and readable.

ID Proof

    Any Government issued ID proof like-
  • 1. Passport
  • 2. Aadhar
  • 3. Driving License


    copy of applicant’s photograph, in JPEG format.

Valid Business License

    Any valid business license similar to the below-
  • 1. GST Registration
  • 2. Shops & Commercial Establishments Registration
  • 3. Certificate of Calibration for Weights and Measures
  • 4. Drug License
  • 5. Labour License
  • 6. FSSAI License
  • 7. Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee, including renewal receipts of APMC license (APMC)
  • 8. Trade License/ trade renewal receipts

Please note that the ID proof and Business license should be valid.

Acceptance of documents, as a part of the member enrollment application is at the discretion of Flipkart Wholesale.

For an overview of the enrollment process and for instructions – please view the video here

The information on this page is indicative and is provided for your guidance.

For any clarification, please contact the store membership desk or our customer care helpline phone number

For more information on enrollment process: please visit: https://www.flipkartwholesale.co.in/helpCentre